Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sweetheart Sock Hop was a Great Success!

Almost 100 people came out tonight for an evening themed after the 50's.   We had good music, good company, and a good time.  Youth helped out with childcare and manning the concession (the root beer floats were awesome).  Here are some the good things that happened:
  • We had fun!
  • People that have never stepped into our building came out and had a good time discovering that Christ-followers can have a good time.
  • An environment for greater community and relationships was created.
  • Our youth got to witness positive relationships and they also made (and continue to make) valuable contributions to the life of our church.
  • Funds were raised to help replace broken sound equipment.
  • We worked together and pulled off a successful event!
Thank you to Jim, Karin, Alison, Jason, our Youth, Willy and the Wannabees, and everyone else who helped set-up, clean-up, and bring cakes!


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