Explore More: Spiritual Disciplines
November 14-20, 2010; Week 5
KNOW | Personal Study
2 Timothy 3:14-17; 4:3-5; Romans 12:2; Psalm 119:9-11; Ephesians 3:10-11. Take time to read and reflect on these passages. Make observations about these words of inspiration and instruction. Meditate on these words (focus, repeat, ponder, reflect, and apply).
GROW | Discussion - Option #1
If your neighbour asked, "why do you read the Bible?", what would you say? Would your answer line up with the way that you live your life and would your neighbour agree?
GROW | Discussion - Option #2
What excuses have you made when it comes to studying God's Word? It's important to be honest with yourself, but not beat yourself up over past failures. Get back on the horse and try again, and again, and again! Also, be purposeful in combating your excuses.
SOW | Application
Start a devotional plan (or continue with your current one) and set aside a good chunk of time (i.e. 45-60 minutes) to not just read a passage, but to study it. Pick out key words and phrases and ask yourself, why did he say this or why did he choose that specific word? Use resources like concordance, lexicons, dictionaries, etc. to help. If you don't have printed versions of these, go to www.biblestudytools.com. You can also ask others questions about it. Finally, don't forget to interpret the application and then obey it!
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