Explore More | January 23-29, 2011
Spiritual Disciplines (Week 7): Confession (Part 2)
KNOW | Study
Read James 5:16; John 20:21-23; Proverbs 28:13; and Acts 19:23-41. Take time to read these portions of Scripture. Observe the principles involved and their impact on our lives.
GROW | Discussion Option #1
Why is confession, especially to another person, so difficult? In your experience what has kept you from confessing either your public (direct offense/hurt towards someone) or private (unwitnessed/internal) sins to another person? What kind of a person should you confess your private sins to?
GROW | Discussion Option #2
What benefits are there in confessing our private sins to one another? What about confession to one is good for you? What about confession is good for the other person? What about confession is good for those in your life?
SOW | Application
Develop a deep relationship with someone. If you don't have a mature friend in Christ, make steps to develop that relationship. It's okay for that relationship to take time... be purposeful, but don't push people! If you have something immediately to confess you can connect with an Elder or Pastor of the same gender as yourself.
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