Last weekend we spent a few days on Vancouver Island preparing for the wedding of my youngest sister. We had 9 adults and 5 kids (3 of which are under six months; one 3 year old; and one 2 year old) living in my parent's house for four days... while getting things ready and set-up for a wedding. Needless to say, there wasn't a dull moment. In fact, at times it was pure chaos, but it was also a lot of fun. Reflecting on that time makes me believe even more that family is a God-thing and that because God is good, whatever He designs is good.
It seems tragic to me that family is for many people, the place where the most pain and misery exists. Those that we love most can also hurt us the most. Sins such as selfishness, pride, bitterness, unforgiveness, and envy are usually at the core of most relational hurt. And that's why God hates sin... it brings death (a form of which is relational destruction).
The Good News is still Jesus! When we follow Him (he connects us to the Father who designed us and the healthy way to live life) everything in life turns good. Please don't interpret the good life as easy because it's actually harder (especially at the outset) to live a life that pleases God in today's world. As we trust God by following His plan for life our relationships with others will grow and our families will become sources of joy, support, and life!
We can apply this to not only our biological family, but our spiritual family, the church! My prayer is that both our biological and spiritual families will be a source of light for God's design and goodness. May our neighbours see health in our homes. May our community find a safe and life giving place in our church family. May we live with less of us and more of Jesus.
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