We had another good gathering on Sunday. Three of our youth helped lead us in worship and they did a great job. We opened our Bibles to Acts 12 and discovered that a Church that advances does so on its knees. James was beheaded, Peter imprisoned, and the Church engaged in earnest prayer. No petitions were made, no political or armed force was needed... just the humble submission of the Church and a willingness to lay down one's life.
Sunday afternoon, we headed into Richmond to spend time with Angela's family. We had nice dinner and visit. My niece must be learning about First Nations at school because she decided to put on a pow wow. The kid's danced and drummed while yours truly brought out his inner Metis and belted out some chants and shrills. I had to stop at Tim's on the way home to get a steeped tea (I love their new sizes) to soothe the throat and keep me awake for the drive.
Monday was chemo day for Angela. Thanks to the portacath, her new diet, and a small change in her chemo recipe things have been much better this round. Less nausea and less fatigue. Praise God for gracing us with wisdom and a good chemo nurse. Ang's sister came out for chemo day and was a huge help. My mother-in-law has been here for most of this week and I have subsequently called her Cinderella. She's been helping with everything... kid's, meals, housework, and Angela duty.
On Wednesday, I picked up my new t-shirt order... four Oregon Ducks shirts! I'm stocked for another year or two. I'll have at least one year to wear them proudly and gloat about our Rose Bowl win.
I'm away this weekend for a retreat with the student leadership team at the college. It will be nice to spend some time with them. Catherine is preaching this Sunday and I'm excited to hear what she has discovered about the last part of Acts 12. I also hear there's some event called the Super Bowl this Sunday afternoon too?
Sunday night we are going to my sister's to celebrate my brother-in-law's birthday. Then I'll race back over to North Valley Baptist Church to join with the rest of the Church in Mission as we worship and pray together.
I hope you have a great weekend, filled and overflowing with the life and love of Christ through His Spirit. I hope you enjoy praying for your MY5. I hope you're able to find extra time this weekend to spend a more concentrated amount of time in His Word. Your time and life investment into these things will not only help you in the present, but will also pay eternal dividends.
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