A friend of mine shared this video and I found it very helpful in framing what the faith is and isn't; and why some ways we approach our faith drives people away.
Church: "Why the mass exit?" from Ed Burton on Vimeo.
More teens are leaving the church now than ever before. Ever wonder why? Skye Jethani makes it simple and clear in this video. He goes beyond pointing out the flaws.. he offers up an answer as well.
I agree with Skyes comments that we as an organization have presented something other than Jesus and that we have redefined what the gospel is. This along with many other things; worldliness, prayerlessness, selfishness, lack of knowledge, and not being alert to Satan's tactics, all play a part. Basically we have 'left our first love' or dug ourselves wells that do not hold water instead of drinking from the well spring of Life - Jesus.