There is an aspect to Mother's Day (and all holidays for that matter) that is annoying. Commercialism is near the top of the list of reasons. It's subjective allowance to treat our Mom's less lovingly for the other 364 days of the year is also valid reason. Then there is the less seen hurt that exists around all holidays. Anytime one promotes something, there is a reaction by those that don't have that something. Negative reactions usually ensue such as hurt, bitterness, longing, jealousy, apathy, anger, etc. For those that fight those responses it makes 'celebrating' that much more difficult. Relational holidays (such as Valentines, Mother's Day, etc.) polarize our responses even more than other holidays because personal relationships are connected to them.
Where does the Church to come into all of this? As Christ's body we should respond to everything in a way that fits the heart of the Father as revealed in Jesus. Furthermore, we are people of the Spirit, who is God working within us to reveal His heart in every situation. Therefore we are to be sensitive to God's Spirit at all times, knowing that each situation is different and therefore requires a different response. I think there are times and environments where celebration of our Mom's is good and right. I also think that there are times and environments where greater sensitivity towards those that find days like Mother's day difficult, is needed.
To the Christian (and the Church) it is obvious that we should honour and serve everyone at all times... with our thoughts, our words, and our actions. To the Christian is inherent that we should regularly honour and thank those that are in our life. For the Christian doesn't need secular holidays to remind them of these things, but only the presence of God dwelling within them. With that being said, however, I don't think it is wrong at all to use what Hallmark meant for profit and turn it around for God's good. Each and every day (even Mother's Day) is an opportunity to celebrate with those that are experiencing good times and be present with those that are finding the day difficult. Jesus is present in both circumstances when we are present with those we share life with.
So my challenge this weekend and every day is to give permission to Jesus to love our neighbours however they need to be loved in the present (that includes our Mom's too)!
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