Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday Morning Thoughts

I really enjoyed our gathering on Sunday.  I got to do the breakfast and realized how much I missed doing it... it's fun to connect, help out the kiddos, and then give latecomers a hard time (although, it's never worth getting in between someone and their coffee).

Alison did a great job leading our Church in songs of praise.  It was nice to sing some new songs too.  I got to lead our Church in prayer then Catherine gave a great message (listen here).  It was one of those Sundays where a more-than-usual amount of God's love and power was experienced (at least it was more visible to my eye/ear).  Please join me this week in praying for those that received prayer.  Pray that the eyes of our heart would be focused on Christ.  Pray that we would choose to believe words of truth and not be distracted by lies.  Pray that God will grace us by His Spirit to do the good works He has planned for us.

Sunday afternoon, we went over to the Moody's for lunch.  Josie cooked a great chili (I told her she better enter it in next year's Chili Cook-off) and an amazing pumpkin mouse dessert thing.  We then checked out the new park across the street from them.  It was good to catch up and chat about life and God.

Sunday evening, we had my sister and bro-in-law over for dinner.  It was a relaxing evening of watching our kids play and interacting with them.  It's really nice having family close by... I only wish I had more down time to do it more often.

Backing up to Saturday, I got to do my run/walk thing with Charlie on the dyke again.  We had a great time together.  We went to Tim's for lunch and we both thoroughly enjoyed dipping our bread into our chili bowl (yes, that's right, I had chili two days in a row... that's pretty good in my books).   Charlie downed his chocolate milk and I sipped back an iced-capp.

Saturday night was a treat.  We had an inter-Church worship night.  Doug D. from North Valley Baptist Church lead us in worship and prayer for our City and Churches.   It wasn't well attended (only 40 people were there)... something we'll have to remedy, but the night was really good.  We sang a bunch of songs I had never heard before and they were awesome!  Things like this are too good and too important to leave to happen-stance, so the next one (happening in January sometime), we'll have to over-communicate. 

This week is another busy week for me and my family.  We'll find out sometime this week when Angela's surgery will be.  We're starting to roll out the steps to the construction of our Church float in the Candlelight parade.  I've got a bunch of meetings and things are hopping at the Bible College.

I hope you have a great week.  May we never be so busy that we can't be interrupted by God.

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