Sunday, August 7, 2011

What Persecution?

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What Now? A Study in Acts (Pt. 14)
What Persecution? (Acts 5:17-42)
By David Parsons
August 7-13, 2011

Before you begin reading, reflecting, discussing, and applying, begin by opening your heart up to our Savior and Lord. Praise Him and ask Him to incline your heart to His. Invite Him to search your heart and make Himself known.

Read Acts 5 and Luke 9:23-26. Continue to read Acts to get more comfortable with this part of our history. We encourage you to make time to sit down and read all of Acts in one sitting at some point... the context of everything really hits home then.

What is persecution? Have you personally faced persecution because of your faith in Jesus Christ? If so share that testimony with someone this week. Why do you think that the North American Church does not experience the level of persecution that other Christians do? Is it because we live in a free society or is it because we have already lost our voice.

Consider how your life would be different if you daily shared your testimony and witnessed that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  Ask God to give you the wisdom and the power to be His witness every day and everywhere.

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