Friday, June 24, 2011

Coming Back Down the Mountain

I came across this article and thought it would be helpful for our parents who send kids to camp as well as our Sunday School and Youth Ministry leaders/volunteers.  It will help our homes and ministries with post-camp life.

Posted By: Shawn Michael Shoup on June 20 2011

My two oldest daughters and I just got back from a 2,700-mile, two-week journey visiting summer camps in our district. We've still got a couple more camps to visit in July. It was an amazing trip and I've just got to say that it's such a blessing to do what I get to do!

Every year, as youth workers engage and God does amazing things up on the mountain, we begin to concern ourselves with how well students will hold on to their experience, what they've learned, and what they've received as they come back down from the mountain.

These are simple, but here's three things I shared with students as a challenge to keep growing as they go back home.

    LOVE GOD. Like I said, simple. But a lot of students wonder why they don't experience God in the same way as they do at camp. I have a hunch. When they were at camp, they were consistantly engaging in scripture, small group discussions, quiet times, and reflection. If they go home and don't do any of that, don't spend time building relationship with God, well… guess what? There is going to be a different outcome. I think this is a great time to teach students how to have personal times with God, developing that deeper relationship.
    ENGAGING CULTURE. As students go, I believe they are going as "sent ones." If we have been saved, we have been sent. It's all part of the Great Commission (which happened to be our theme verses this year). It's a natural outflow of loving God. As they get closer and closer to the heartbeat of God, students will find that they adopt his compassion for loving others. If we stop going, we stop growing. It's part of who God called us to be.
    KEEP COMMUNITY. Encouraging students to keep surrounding themselves with others who will challenge their faith and relationship with God is key. We need each other. We weren't wired to do this faith thing alone.

I'm praying for students this week. That they will keep pursuing all of the God-purposes that were planted in their spirit at camp. I hope and pray the same for your students!

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